Saturday, January 19, 2008

My absence

yes, I'm still around.... sorry to have pulled a Houdini to anyone who was reading my blog on a regular basis.

I'm the kind pf person that when stuff starts to get serious or emotional I kinda stop talking about it and I pull into myself and deal with it on my own. I don't like hearing negative things about situations that I'm trying to turn around into something positive. I guess that's kinda what happened here and in real life. Don't get me wrong, regardless of whether or not I wanted to hear it, doesn't mean that any of it was incorrect, I just kinda need to go through an experience things myself to learn the lesson.

That being said... give me some time and I'll be back. CB and I have been together this whole time up until 2 days ago. It was really good at times and sometimes it was bad but now it's over. I need some more time to myself before I start putting stuff down into words again. I also want to get back to the original intention of this blog... it was supposed to be a sex blog, not someplace that I came to and started acting like a teenager with a silly crush.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to find some inspiration soon!

Cali Girl


SoCal Sal said...

Awwww sweetie. Sorry to hear that. It is your blog. I think it is ok to let it go with the flow of you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be one thing or another. I can understand if you want to keep it focused though. I too tend to process inwardly. I can only tell ya for me it helps sometimes to get things out, you can always delete it later.

What ever you decide. I’ll keep checking back. Take care. XO

~Tim said...

I haven't been around much lately either. Be well!

Ashly Star said...

Nice to see you back again. I'll check back once in a while to see if you post again. Be well.

Anonymous said...

~~Just checking in here to see if you're posting anything yet.

And, to say, be well. Take your time. Smile*


Anonymous said...

Hi. This is Will.
Just checking in to see how you're doing. Been a long time.

Hope you're well.
Happy Holidays, Cali-Girl.


hi said...

hi. i would love to know you. i live in so cal and have a blog too called