ummm... hell yes?
It's really weird, I'm kind of tetering on this edge of believing it's real, I keep wondering why *he* would really like *me* but then he calls and we talk for hours and he does the whole "I'll have to take you here" and "we'll have to do that" and ever so slightly I'm starting to slide down that edge.
RD always tells me that I don't give myself enough credit and why wouldn't he like me.. I'm beautiful, I'm nice, blah, blah, blah.... yea, maybe....
I'm going to try and be patient and ket it be what it is, there's a big pink elephant in the room that I can't contend with and only time will help it fade away. That's something I may share another time though.
He did say something kinda comforting & cute on the phone tonight though... first I must prefasce it with none of our friends know that we're *talking* and at this point in time he doesn't want them to (no, he's not married). So he wass telling me that he thinks his best friend (who is a girl) knows something is up because she keeps mentioning the fact that he's been smiling lately
That gave me little warm fuzzies :)
I know a lot of my stuff right now is fragmented and cryptic and I'm sorry, I'm still trying to get it straight in my head....
oh honey it's so hard to trust isn't it?
the older i get the slower i become and the harder it is to believe there isn't some ulterior motive in them but i just keep trying to remember that heartbreak means that you tried...
go at the pace you can handle, anything else would be untrue to yourself...
and i wish you such luck!
Thank you so much!
I'm sooooo holding my breath on this one!
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