Tuesday, July 31, 2007

TMI #94

1. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about?
under... but I think that's wrong, I think the *proper* way is supposed to be over....

2. Toilet when you are done: everything up, seat down but lid up, everything down?
seat down, lid up... I live alone so don't have to worry about annoying anyone...

3. When was the last time you kissed someone not your significant other? [I am talking about a kiss with some gusto not just a little hello or goodbye peck]
well... that would be Sunday... he's not really my SO, we just started hanging out a couple weeks ago...

4. Would you rather have you significant other (this can be a hypothetical SO) have sex with someone else or fall in love with someone else? [You have to pick one.]
ug, both horrible choices, I'll take the sex though... to have your SO fall in love with someone else is just too much...

5. If you had $1,000,000 to give away, how would you divide it up? Who and how much?
I'm sure I'm supposed to say a few random charities here but I think If I had to slpit it up it would go around to my family & friends... how cool would that be to pay off my moms house & cars for her, same with my sister... give a bunch to my cosest friends to pay off their bills, car and a down on a house...

Bonus (as in optional): Tell us something that very few people know about you.
hmmm... this is a tough one.... the only thing I can maybe think of is there was this one time with this guy and a strap-on...

Happy Tuesday!


Bunny said...

Your bonus made me thing of "there was this one time, at band camp . . . " Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

Great answers... especially that bonus one for reasons that I hope to post tomorrow.

Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

Happy TMI! Great bonus lol. :)

ATLLG said...

I think my eyes are stil VERY WIDE...Oh My!

Anonymous said...

Strap on??? Ok... now, I want to read it all... ;-))

Anonymous said...

I'm with Bunny, your bonus made me think of there was this one time, at band camp . . ." thing lol. Great answers. Happy TMI Tuesday. :]

Enyo said...

grats on your "newish" So :)

lol and on the strap on experience ;)

Cali Girl said...

LOL! thanks all!

I'm sure at some point I'll post the strap-on story :)