Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back in the Saddle

I've been able to go around & catch up on some reading today and over on AR's blog she had a little survey and I'm a sucker for these things so I thought I'd play along.. so if you're reading, play along too and let me know you did so I can come read!

*What side of the heart do you draw first?
The left side.

*Can you dive without plugging your nose?
I used to be able to, been a while since I tried

*What color is your phone?
home phone is black & silver, cell phone is black

*Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
hmm, some really interesting hot guy who wouldn't annoy me... that would be a cool way to get to know someone (maybe?)

*Where are you right now?

*How do you feel about carrots?
I like them.. when I quit smoking 5yrs ago is chewed on baby carrots like they were going out of style, I credit them with helping me to quit.

*How many chairs at the dining room table?

*Who is the best Spice Girl?
hmmm.. I always liked Mel C.

*Do you know what time it is?
7:18pm (I'm on a computer, of course I know the time)

*What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
play games, surf the internet & text people on my phone... please let me be stuck with a hot guy though for some elevator sex!

*What's your favorite kind of gum?
Stride, the new peppermint flavor

*T or F: All is fair in love and war?
no, getting lied to and deceived is not fair at all

*Do you use words that you don't know the meaning to?
oh hell no.. I am not going to look stupid

*Do you like to sleep?
I used to like it a lot more than I do now. I like sleeping with someone for the cuddling aspect. By myself, I'll usually get up when I wake up

*Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings?
Yes. :D Arizona and Hawaii.

*Do you know the song Sugar We're Goin' Down?
I do, good song

*Do you want a bright yellow '06 mustang?
no... yellow should not be the color of cars

*What's something you've always wanted?

*Do you wear a lot of black?
not as much as I used to but I still wear a good amount

*Describe your hair.
about to my bra strap, kinda wavy, reddish brown with lots of blonde highlights

*Are you an adult?
By age yes.

*Who is/are your best friends?

*Do you have a tan?

*Are you a television addict?
I don't know that I'm an addict but I do have a lot of shows that I watch. Plus I live alone so I find myself watching it to pass the time a lot.

*Do you enjoy spending time with your mom?
Depends on what we're doing.

*Are you a sugar freak?
nope, I rarely eat anything with sugar in it

*What is your favorite movie?
Moulin Rouge

*What's your sign?

*Where do you wish you were right now?
anywhere but my apartment.. I have cabin fever

*Who did you copy this from?

*How do you know them?
The bloggy world.

*Would you have sex with them?
well.. I don't really know her, lol

*What brand of shirt are you wearing?
I have no idea.. something with 2 frogs on it & it says "My Pad or Yours?"

*Have you ever smoked anything?

Sorry, no HNT pics today, I forgot to take one while I was at work today.. .next week!


Constance said...

It's fun getting to learn about you this way, Cali Girl ! Hope that you have a good Friday -

Anonymous said...

"What's something you've always wanted" ... permanance.


Great answers, as always.

I'd like to officially volunteer as your "stranded in an elevator guy" or your "tied to for 24 hours guy". :-)

Sorry I'm late.

Naughty Girl xx said...

You rarely eat stuff with sugar in it? Crazy! I am a sugar...well, chocolate fiend! xx

Anonymous said...

"*T or F: All is fair in love and war?
no, getting lied to and deceived is not fair at all

*What's something you've always wanted?

I enjoyed all of your great answers but those two were the best. :D

Cali Girl said...

Glad you liked my answers :)

mmmm.. I actually love chocolate and Cherry Pepsi and Ice Cream and I could go on & on... my butt, thighs and tummy however, do also... so none for them!