Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I didn't go

I wanted to go visit him so badly last night but I didn't. I went and hung out with some friends at the bar instead. The next time he's allowed visitors is Thursday so today I'm safe from sitting here wondering "should I go?" for at least a day. I did dream about him again last night, that's happened every night since I saw his brother on Friday. I guess my brain is just trying to sort out the conflict while I'm sleeping. I need closure and I'm never gonna get it if I don't see I gonna get it if I see him though?


SoCal Sal said...

Closure is the key. Just take care of you. Sending you good vibes.

Joy, Shared said...

My opinion (not that you have any reason to listen to me, since we don't know each other at all) ...

If you think that you can get closure and walk away once and for all, I'd say go.

If you think that you're going to walk in there, he's going to say something or do something that you won't be able to forget about, and you're going to walk out of there thinking about him more than you do now, I'd recommend that you save yourself the trouble.

The fantasy in your head is always going to be better than the real life experience will be, and the memories of what you had are probably even more pleasant than the real time with him was.

Go for closure, but don't go if you think you're going to walk out of there with anything but that.