Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TMI #104 (a week late)

I took a look at this weeks questions and don't really have any good answers for them since I'm not so good at the dating thing so since I missed last week I figured I'd go back & do those instead.

oh, and bare with me, I'm messing with my blog colors again :)

1. Wash up, cuddle or fall asleep?
I'd say cuddle or just lay there with one body part touching, like a hand, leg or foot. I'm usually too wired to sleep and washing up right away is just tacky... well, unless it's one of those kinds of things ;)

2. Have you ever fake orgasms?
haha, yes, he needed to be done!

3. In any 24 hour period, what is the most number of times you have ever had sex?
I think this question is really open a lot to interpretation. What is considered a "time". Is it when he cums, when I cum? When he stops then starts again 10 minutes later after a breather? A couple weeks ago I had sex off & on from around midnight to 3am then resumed again off & on from like 8am to noon... (good lord that was fun!)

4. Have you ever had sex or give/received oral sex while you were driving a car?
I know I've given oral while someone was driving & I want to say that I've received but it would've been so long ago that I can't clearly recall if I have or not...

5. What do you think the average number of sexual partners your sex has in their lifetime (so for me a male)? Do you think most people lie when asked?
I'd probably say around 6, although in todays day & age women are becoming more and more ok with casual relationships and sleeping with more men than in past history so the number is probably larger. As far as lying about it, I'd imagine there are a lot of women out there who do lie about it since it's still not really socially acceptable for a woman to sleep around.

Bonus (as in optional):Can men and women be "just friends?" (Explain)
I think it's possible but not too common. At some point human nature kicks in and one of the two develops an attraction for the other.


Bunny said...

Great answers! Yeah, this week's questions were tough for me too, since it's been ages since I did the traditional dating type of thing . . .

Happy TMI!

Constance said...

Happy Tuesday evening to you Cali Girl --
I'm totally with you on number one and the bonus answers !

Professor Fate said...

I love the answers (for last week). I though that the dating questions would get some extra information out there. I didn't think they'd be as tough as many found them.

As for the bonus, I think "just friends" can have sex. You just need kill off jealousy and sexual tension.