So JS and I are officially done.

I knew something was up, I could feel it. I had called him on Wednesday and left a message and for the first time since we've met he didn't call back. So I called him again early Friday evening & he answered, I asked him if he had plans that night & he said he did so I asked if he had an hour to come talk to me because I think we needed to, he agreed that we needed to talk but that he was on his way out & didn't have time to that night so he'd call me when he woke up the next morning & come over then. ok, that's all fine & dandy.
RD was out of town & I decided I didn't want to sit home by myself so I went down to the bar, didn't see his car anywhere so I went in. I'd say I was there at least an hour before I kinda see the door open behind me & 2 people walk in, next thing I know he's tapping me on the shoulder asking if he can talk to me outside as I see a girl come in & go sit down at the end of the bar.
So I go outside and the conversation goes something like this:
him: so there's no easy way to say this but I'm seeing someone else
me: yea, no shit, ya think
him: I'm really sorry, this isn't the way I wanted you to find out, I didn't think you were here, I looked but didn't see your car.
me: what happened to you being a nice guy and not bringing a girl to this bar even if you had met someone.
him: I'm sorry, what do you want me to do.
me: leave, just leave, take her & get out of here, call me and come over tomorrow morning & we'll talk and maybe be able to stay friends but I'm not gonna talk to you here right now.
him: ok, I can do that.
So, we go back inside, I go sit down, he walks over to her, I guess she had ordered them drinks while we were outside cause they were just being set down. Anyways, not even a minute later they get up, full drinks on the bar and leave.
I thought that was a pretty stand up thing of hn to do.
So, the next morning he calls and comes over and we talk. He tells me she is someone he's known for a long time but hasn't seen in a few years and ran into her last week. He's had feelings for her for a long time and almost left his wife for her back in the day and she almost left her boyfriend but they both decided not to. So now that he's not married & she's single he'd hate himself if he passed up the opportunity to be with her. I told him I couldn't fault him for that but the way I found out was wrong. He had no business bringing her to that bar without me knowing about her first because one of two things were going to happen. Either he was going to walk in with her while I was there, which he did or I would walk in there and see it in everybody's eyes, them wondering "does she know?".
He said he could see my point and that I was right and that he was really sorry and it was s tupid thing to do without talking to me first. I guess she hadn't known about me either, after they left she asked him what was up & he told her that we had

been seeing each other, she said she could understand why because she thought I was beautiful (damnit, can't I just hate her) and he agreed with her. He told me the whole thing was just weird because usually when he ends a relationship with someone it's because something is wrong but not with me, he really likes me and we have a lot of fun together and there was nothing wrong with *us*, just this girl has had his heart for a long time. I told him it was ok and that he has to do what he has to do and that we'll stay friends.
People keep telling me I'm too nice & I let him get off to easy.
I guess I figure if I were in his position I would do the same thing. I would've handled it differently of course, but I would've followed my heart.
I've seen them together at the bar twice since then. They were there Saturday night & last night. He was nice both times. He's come over & talk to me and buy me a drink. He said he wasn't going to be all touchy feely and kissing on her around me and he hasn't been so far.
So yea, that's where JS and I are at... bummer, I really liked him...
moving on...
Happy TMI!!
1. What is the best relationship advice you've ever received? heh... "don't fall for him" damnit, I should've listened...
2. How many people have you dated at once? How many people do you think
it is acceptable to date at once?have I mentioned I'm terrible at dating? I'm usually just having sex with people & as long as you're honest and safe with the people you're sleeping with I don't think there really is an acceptable number. Just whatever works for you.
3. What made your worst kiss so bad? omg, that boy had no clue what he was doing... he was all slobbery tongue and like... I don't even know how to explain it.. he was "poking" me with his tongue and like trying to suck my face off. It's the only person I've had to tell to calm down and go slower... didn't hook up with him again...
4. Can a relationship last if the sex is bad?
How bad are we talking and is it fixable? I think bad sex will definitely put a strain on a relationship but as long as both parties are willing to work on it you can always make sex better!
5. What one thing would you like your partner to do every time you have
sex with them?
every time? mmmmm.... kiss my neck
Bonus (as in optional): What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?it's all in the eyes... how you look at them followed by the smile ;)